Trade Names
Use multiple trade names with zero paperwork.
Trade Names
Use multiple trade names with zero paperwork.
Trade Names
Use multiple trade names with zero paperwork.
What's Trade Names?
Doing business with multiple business names? With bunq you can easily specify the trade name you want to use per Bank Account, ensuring your clients only see that name. To set this up, no extra paperwork is required. We'll automatically get the trade names you've legally registered, and display them as options for you to use.
What's Trade Names?
Doing business with multiple business names? With bunq you can easily specify the trade name you want to use per Bank Account, ensuring your clients only see that name. To set this up, no extra paperwork is required. We'll automatically get the trade names you've legally registered, and display them as options for you to use.
What's Trade Names?
Doing business with multiple business names? With bunq you can easily specify the trade name you want to use per Bank Account, ensuring your clients only see that name. To set this up, no extra paperwork is required. We'll automatically get the trade names you've legally registered, and display them as options for you to use.
Also try Local IBANs
Increase your credibility even more by setting up Bank Accounts with Local IBANs for each country you operate in!
Also try Local IBANs
Increase your credibility even more by setting up Bank Accounts with Local IBANs for each country you operate in!
Also try Local IBANs
Increase your credibility even more by setting up Bank Accounts with Local IBANs for each country you operate in!
Risk indicator for all bunq B.V. accounts
This number is indicative of product risk, with 1/6 indicating lower risk and 6/6 indicating higher risk.
bunq B.V. is adhered to the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum guaranteed amount is €100,000 per user
Available on these plans
bunq Core Business
Everything you need to run your business.
bunq Pro Business
Everything you need to scale your business.
bunq Elite Business
Next level banking for your international business.
Risk indicator for all bunq B.V. accounts
This number is indicative of product risk, with 1/6 indicating lower risk and 6/6 indicating higher risk.
bunq B.V. is adhered to the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum guaranteed amount is €100,000 per user
Available on these plans
bunq Core Business
Everything you need to run your business.
bunq Pro Business
Everything you need to scale your business.
bunq Elite Business
Next level banking for your international business.
Risk indicator for all bunq B.V. accounts
This number is indicative of product risk, with 1/6 indicating lower risk and 6/6 indicating higher risk.
bunq B.V. is adhered to the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum guaranteed amount is €100,000 per user
Available on these plans
bunq Core Business
Everything you need to run your business.
bunq Pro Business
Everything you need to scale your business.
bunq Elite Business
Next level banking for your international business.
Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.
Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.
Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.