Banking for every new chapter in your life

Sign up in just 5 minutes with only your phone and ID. Try bunq today, no strings attached.

Banking for every new chapter in your life

Sign up in just 5 minutes with only your phone and ID. Try bunq today, no strings attached.

Banking for every new chapter in your life

Sign up in just 5 minutes with only your phone and ID. Try bunq today, no strings attached.

Moving to a new country?

Open your new bank account before you arrive and hit the ground running.

Moving to a new country?

Open your new bank account before you arrive and hit the ground running.

Moving to a new country?

Open your new bank account before you arrive and hit the ground running.

Planning a future together?

Easily start sharing finances without leaving the house. Up to 25 money pots to help you and your partner plan your finances.

Planning a future together?

Easily start sharing finances without leaving the house. Up to 25 money pots to help you and your partner plan your finances.

Planning a future together?

Easily start sharing finances without leaving the house. Up to 25 money pots to help you and your partner plan your finances.

Helping your child grow financially?

Start building your child's financial future with a free bank account. Monitor and guide your child’s financial activities with easy parental control

Helping your child grow financially?

Start building your child's financial future with a free bank account. Monitor and guide your child’s financial activities with easy parental control

Helping your child grow financially?

Start building your child's financial future with a free bank account. Monitor and guide your child’s financial activities with easy parental control

bunq is free for students

bunq helps you spend your money on what's important. Easily share accounts with friends, and make worldwide payments with your Credit Card.

bunq is free for students

bunq helps you spend your money on what's important. Easily share accounts with friends, and make worldwide payments with your Credit Card.

bunq is free for students

bunq helps you spend your money on what's important. Easily share accounts with friends, and make worldwide payments with your Credit Card.

Looking for high returns on your savings?

Earn up to 2.67% interest on your savings.

Looking for high returns on your savings?

Earn up to 2.67% interest on your savings.

Looking for high returns on your savings?

Earn up to 2.67% interest on your savings.

Choose your plan

Easy Savings icon

bunq Free


The essentials to get you started.

Easy Bank icon

bunq Core


The bank account for everyday use.

Easy Bank Pro icon

bunq Pro


The bank account that travels with you.

Easy Bank Pro XL icon

bunq Elite


The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.

Choose your plan

Easy Savings icon

bunq Free


The essentials to get you started.

Easy Bank icon

bunq Core


The bank account for everyday use.

Easy Bank Pro icon

bunq Pro


The bank account that travels with you.

Easy Bank Pro XL icon

bunq Elite


The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.

Choose your plan

Easy Savings icon

bunq Free


The essentials to get you started.

Easy Bank icon

bunq Core


The bank account for everyday use.

Easy Bank Pro icon

bunq Pro


The bank account that travels with you.

Easy Bank Pro XL icon

bunq Elite


The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.

Open your bank account in just 5 minutes

Open your bank account in just 5 minutes

Open your bank account in just 5 minutes