Frag deinen persönlichen Assistenten Finn alles, was du wissen möchtest
Probiere bunq noch heute mit einer kostenlosen 30-Tage-Testversion für jeden Plan aus. Alles, was du brauchst, um dein Konto zu eröffnen, ist dein Handy, ein Ausweis und 5 Minuten.
Frag deinen persönlichen Assistenten Finn alles, was du wissen möchtest
Probiere bunq noch heute mit einer kostenlosen 30-Tage-Testversion für jeden Plan aus. Alles, was du brauchst, um dein Konto zu eröffnen, ist dein Handy, ein Ausweis und 5 Minuten.
Frag deinen persönlichen Assistenten Finn alles, was du wissen möchtest
Probiere bunq noch heute mit einer kostenlosen 30-Tage-Testversion für jeden Plan aus. Alles, was du brauchst, um dein Konto zu eröffnen, ist dein Handy, ein Ausweis und 5 Minuten.
Frag Finn alles
What's my favorite restaurant? What do I spend most of my money on? How long before I'm a millionnaire? Using the power of AI, Finn can answer all your questions about your money. Ask FInn anything!
Frag Finn alles
What's my favorite restaurant? What do I spend most of my money on? How long before I'm a millionnaire? Using the power of AI, Finn can answer all your questions about your money. Ask FInn anything!
Frag Finn alles
What's my favorite restaurant? What do I spend most of my money on? How long before I'm a millionnaire? Using the power of AI, Finn can answer all your questions about your money. Ask FInn anything!
Hol dir wertvolle Einblicke
Finn is designed to answer advanced questions. In just seconds, Finn gives you valuable insights into your spending, making it super easy for you to make informed decisions.
Hol dir wertvolle Einblicke
Finn is designed to answer advanced questions. In just seconds, Finn gives you valuable insights into your spending, making it super easy for you to make informed decisions.
Hol dir wertvolle Einblicke
Finn is designed to answer advanced questions. In just seconds, Finn gives you valuable insights into your spending, making it super easy for you to make informed decisions.
Harness the power of AI
By using the latest AI technology, Finn is able to go far beyond giving you basic insights about your transactions. Whatever your question, Finn will connect all the dots for you.
Harness the power of AI
By using the latest AI technology, Finn is able to go far beyond giving you basic insights about your transactions. Whatever your question, Finn will connect all the dots for you.
Harness the power of AI
By using the latest AI technology, Finn is able to go far beyond giving you basic insights about your transactions. Whatever your question, Finn will connect all the dots for you.
Deine Privatsphäre ist heilig
We designed with a focus on personalized and secure data management. That means all your data is stored separately, inaccessible to anyone but you. We'll never share your data with a third party.
Deine Privatsphäre ist heilig
We designed with a focus on personalized and secure data management. That means all your data is stored separately, inaccessible to anyone but you. We'll never share your data with a third party.
Deine Privatsphäre ist heilig
We designed with a focus on personalized and secure data management. That means all your data is stored separately, inaccessible to anyone but you. We'll never share your data with a third party.
Finn wird jeden Tag besser!
Finn is currently in Beta, meaning it’s continually improving everyday thanks to your feedback! By using Finn and leaving a thumbs up or thumbs down to each of Finn’s answers, you help Finn improve.
Finn wird jeden Tag besser!
Finn is currently in Beta, meaning it’s continually improving everyday thanks to your feedback! By using Finn and leaving a thumbs up or thumbs down to each of Finn’s answers, you help Finn improve.
Finn wird jeden Tag besser!
Finn is currently in Beta, meaning it’s continually improving everyday thanks to your feedback! By using Finn and leaving a thumbs up or thumbs down to each of Finn’s answers, you help Finn improve.
In diesen Abos enthalten
bunq Free
Das normale Bankkonto.
bunq Core
3,99 €/Monat
Das Konto für deinen Alltag.
bunq Pro
9,99 €/Monat
Das Bankkonto, das mit dir reist.
bunq Elite
18,99 €/Monat
Das Konto für deinen Lifestyle ohne Grenzen.
In diesen Abos enthalten
bunq Free
Das normale Bankkonto.
bunq Core
3,99 €/Monat
Das Konto für deinen Alltag.
bunq Pro
9,99 €/Monat
Das Bankkonto, das mit dir reist.
bunq Elite
18,99 €/Monat
Das Konto für deinen Lifestyle ohne Grenzen.
In diesen Abos enthalten
bunq Free
Das normale Bankkonto.
bunq Core
3,99 €/Monat
Das Konto für deinen Alltag.
bunq Pro
9,99 €/Monat
Das Bankkonto, das mit dir reist.
bunq Elite
18,99 €/Monat
Das Konto für deinen Lifestyle ohne Grenzen.
Starte deine 30-tägige kostenlose Testversion
Eröffne dein Konto in nur 5 Minuten, direkt von deinem Handy aus.
Starte deine 30-tägige kostenlose Testversion
Eröffne dein Konto in nur 5 Minuten, direkt von deinem Handy aus.
Starte deine 30-tägige kostenlose Testversion
Eröffne dein Konto in nur 5 Minuten, direkt von deinem Handy aus.