
Automatiseer uw workflows zonder code te schrijven.


Automatiseer uw workflows zonder code te schrijven.


Automatiseer uw workflows zonder code te schrijven.

What can I do with Zapier?

Zapier lets you connect bunq to more than 4,000 other web apps and services without writing a single line of code. This allows you to easily automate your financial processes and reduce those boring day-to-day money management tasks.

What can I do with Zapier?

Zapier lets you connect bunq to more than 4,000 other web apps and services without writing a single line of code. This allows you to easily automate your financial processes and reduce those boring day-to-day money management tasks.

What can I do with Zapier?

Zapier lets you connect bunq to more than 4,000 other web apps and services without writing a single line of code. This allows you to easily automate your financial processes and reduce those boring day-to-day money management tasks.

Bookkeeping made easy

Save even more time by connecting your bunq account directly to your favorite bookkeeping software.

Bookkeeping made easy

Save even more time by connecting your bunq account directly to your favorite bookkeeping software.

Bookkeeping made easy

Save even more time by connecting your bunq account directly to your favorite bookkeeping software.

Beschikbaar voor deze abonnementen

Easy Bank Pro icoon

bunq Pro


De bankrekening die met je meereist.

Easy Bank Pro XL-icoon

bunq Elite


De bankrekening ontworpen voor je internationale levensstijl.

Beschikbaar voor deze abonnementen

Easy Bank Pro icoon

bunq Pro


De bankrekening die met je meereist.

Easy Bank Pro XL-icoon

bunq Elite


De bankrekening ontworpen voor je internationale levensstijl.

Beschikbaar voor deze abonnementen

Easy Bank Pro icoon

bunq Pro


De bankrekening die met je meereist.

Easy Bank Pro XL-icoon

bunq Elite


De bankrekening ontworpen voor je internationale levensstijl.

Probeer bunq 30 dagen gratis

Open je rekening in slechts 5 minuten, direct vanaf je telefoon.

Probeer bunq 30 dagen gratis

Open je rekening in slechts 5 minuten, direct vanaf je telefoon.

Probeer bunq 30 dagen gratis

Open je rekening in slechts 5 minuten, direct vanaf je telefoon.