Open API
Automatiseer je workflows met code.
Open API
Automatiseer je workflows met code.
Open API
Automatiseer je workflows met code.
What's bunq's Open API?
bunq was the first bank in the world with an open API. This allows you to set up incredible automated workflows, build whole fintech apps you can't build anywhere else and reshape your banking experience the way you want it!
What's bunq's Open API?
bunq was the first bank in the world with an open API. This allows you to set up incredible automated workflows, build whole fintech apps you can't build anywhere else and reshape your banking experience the way you want it!
What's bunq's Open API?
bunq was the first bank in the world with an open API. This allows you to set up incredible automated workflows, build whole fintech apps you can't build anywhere else and reshape your banking experience the way you want it!
Even easier through Zapier
Want to save some time on the automations? You can use webhooks or connect directly to Zapier, to quickly integrate bunq with over 4,000 apps!
Even easier through Zapier
Want to save some time on the automations? You can use webhooks or connect directly to Zapier, to quickly integrate bunq with over 4,000 apps!
Even easier through Zapier
Want to save some time on the automations? You can use webhooks or connect directly to Zapier, to quickly integrate bunq with over 4,000 apps!
Beschikbaar voor deze abonnementen
bunq Pro
De bankrekening die altijd met je meereist.
bunq Elite
De bankrekening ontworpen voor jouw internationale levensstijl.
Beschikbaar voor deze abonnementen
bunq Pro
De bankrekening die altijd met je meereist.
bunq Elite
De bankrekening ontworpen voor jouw internationale levensstijl.
Beschikbaar voor deze abonnementen
bunq Pro
De bankrekening die altijd met je meereist.
bunq Elite
De bankrekening ontworpen voor jouw internationale levensstijl.
Probeer bunq 30 dagen gratis
Open je rekening in slechts 5 minuten, direct vanaf je telefoon.
Probeer bunq 30 dagen gratis
Open je rekening in slechts 5 minuten, direct vanaf je telefoon.
Probeer bunq 30 dagen gratis
Open je rekening in slechts 5 minuten, direct vanaf je telefoon.