Paiements instantanés
Transfére de l'argent en quelques secondes

Paiements instantanés
Transfére de l'argent en quelques secondes

Paiements instantanés
Transfére de l'argent en quelques secondes

What are Instant Payments?
Your payments are sent and received in real-time so you never have to wait for settled payments. As soon as you hit “Send”, the money hits the recipient's account. These instant payments work with partners that are part of the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) service, including a wide range of banks across Europe.

What are Instant Payments?
Your payments are sent and received in real-time so you never have to wait for settled payments. As soon as you hit “Send”, the money hits the recipient's account. These instant payments work with partners that are part of the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) service, including a wide range of banks across Europe.

What are Instant Payments?
Your payments are sent and received in real-time so you never have to wait for settled payments. As soon as you hit “Send”, the money hits the recipient's account. These instant payments work with partners that are part of the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) service, including a wide range of banks across Europe.

Works great with
Create a personalized payment link that's always on! When you get paid, fund are processed instantly and hit your account in real-time.

Works great with
Create a personalized payment link that's always on! When you get paid, fund are processed instantly and hit your account in real-time.

Works great with
Create a personalized payment link that's always on! When you get paid, fund are processed instantly and hit your account in real-time.
Disponible avec ces abonnements
bunq Free
Le compte bancaire standard.
bunq Core
3,99 €/mois
Le compte bancaire pour une utilisation quotidien.
bunq Pro
9,99 €/mois
Le compte bancaire qui voyage avec toi.
bunq Elite
18,99 €/mois
Le compte bancaire conçu pour ton style de vie international.
Disponible avec ces abonnements
bunq Free
Le compte bancaire standard.
bunq Core
3,99 €/mois
Le compte bancaire pour une utilisation quotidien.
bunq Pro
Le compte bancaire qui voyage avec toi.
bunq Elite
Le compte bancaire conçu pour ton style de vie international.
Disponible avec ces abonnements
bunq Free
Le compte bancaire standard.
bunq Core
3,99 €/mois
Le compte bancaire pour une utilisation quotidien.
bunq Pro
Le compte bancaire qui voyage avec toi.
bunq Elite
Le compte bancaire conçu pour ton style de vie international.
Essayer gratuitement pendant 30 jours
Ouvre ton compte en 5 minutes depuis ton smartphone.

Essayer gratuitement pendant 30 jours
Ouvre ton compte en 5 minutes depuis ton smartphone.

Essayer gratuitement pendant 30 jours
Ouvre ton compte en 5 minutes depuis ton smartphone.