Hey bunqers 🌈

To make a payment, you can click here or follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the 🏠 Home tab
  2. Tap on 🟠 Pay
  3. Enter the amount you want to send
  4. Select + New Recipient
  5. Enter all the required info
  6. Select Send Payment
  7. Ready 🚀

Different countries require different information regarding the recipient so please make sure to fill all boxes required.

Keep in mind that the transfers made from your USD Foreign Currencies Bank Account will appear as CurrencyCloud on your bank statement. All other metrics (the amount, date, and recipient) remain the same. Please note that this isn't applicable for transfers made in GBP.

3 years later
bunq changed the title to How can I make a payment in a Foreign Currency? .
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