Report fraud/scams

Use this form to report any suspicious or fraudulent activity related to your bank account. Please share as many details as possible so our team can investigate swiftly and secure your account.

About you

What's your full name?

What's your email address?

About the transaction

When did this transaction happen?

If there were multiple transactions, please tell us the date of the first transaction.

What was the amount of the transaction?

Please specify the amount and currency.

What are the last 4 digits of the used card?

Please only fill this in if the transaction was a card payment.

What's the IBAN the money got sent from?

Please only fill this in if the transaction was a money/bank transfer.

What's the IBAN the money got sent to?

Please only fill this in if the transaction was a money/bank transfer.

About the situation

What happened?

Please describe what happened in as much detail as possible.

Do you have a police report?

If you have filed a police report, please upload a copy here to assist in our investigation. If not, we strongly recommend filing one as soon as possible.

Click to upload file or drag-and-drop. Max 25mb

The data you provide in this form is collected and processed by bunq within the EU data region and in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

We’re here to help

If there's no form for your situation, you have any questions or need assistance with anything else, we're always available to offer a helping hand.